Student Shoutouts: Sarah Bunn Makes Earth Day Impact

While Sarah Bunn is still in her first year of the Master of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Sport Management (MPRTSM) online program, her tremendous impact is already being felt in the community.
Bunn was recently commended for her efforts to coordinate and organize the Earth Day Countywide Cleanup event for the Friends of Johnston County Parks volunteer coalition.
David Herpy, founder and chairperson for Friends of Johnston County Parks, expressed his gratitude for Bunn’s leadership, dedication, communication and organizational skills.
“Sarah has taken our organization to another level over the past few months! Because of Sarah’s leadership, we now have a logo, brand identity, have grown to a following on our social media channels to almost 1,000 people, and now have reached over 5,000 people through our event this Saturday. We just started our organization in October 2020,” Herpy said.
Through PRT 507: Strategic Marketing Management in Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Sport Organizations, Bunn used the Friends of Johnston County Parks as the subject for her strategic marketing plan required in the course — and her plan is paying off in a huge way for the volunteer organization.
“Not only is she doing an exemplary job as a volunteer with our organization, but she is doing it while a full-time PRTM graduate student, working full time, and a wife and mother,” Herpy added.
Bunn also serves as the online representative for the PRT Graduate Student Association — an integral role that connects online students to the greater graduate student community in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management.
Students like Bunn make up our #OnlinePack who make a difference in their communities every day.
Join the #OnlinePack and the Master of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Sport Management online program! Apply by May 1 for fall 2021 admission. No GRE required with two years of work experience.
Learn more about the online MPRTSM program and read about recent students’ and graduates’ experiences.