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NC State Online Master of Forest Biomaterials Combines Engineering and Sustainability

Two Engineers Using CAD Programming Software On Laptop


Did you know NC State offers an online Master of Forest Biomaterials program?

Well, did you know that forest biomaterials also encompasses the study of advanced engineering composites, bioproducts and bioenergy, life cycle analysis, nanotechnology, packaging and paper science, plastic and replacement technologies, and recycling technology?

That’s right — the Master of Forest Biomaterials combines NC State’s top-ranked engineering strengths with a focus on sustainability.

Graduates of the program are leaders in sustainability — challenging fossil-based technologies and redesigning our future.

Read what a few students had to say about their experiences in the online graduate-level forest biomaterials courses:

“Thank you for putting together such an informative course. Just in the time since completing this course, I have such a better grasp of the chemical side of the linerboard machine I supervise. Making myself a better leader for the future,” says Mike Goin, a shift supervisor in the Paper and Packaging Services (PPS) division at Greif, on Professor Martin Hubbe’s paper manufacturing course. 
[This paper manufacturing course] helped me contextualize much of the other literature I had read about industrial papermaking… So much of paper conservation training revolves around handmade paper, yet you made the process and chemistry involved in large-scale contemporary papermaking very approachable,” says Travis Taylor, a paper conservator at The National Archives of Australia, on Professor Martin Hubbe’s paper manufacturing course.  
It’s been more than 30 years since I had a statistics course, and your explanations and examples were easy to follow and finally made sense of basic statistics for me. Really, really good. I’m going to laminate these nine pages of notes,” says Dan Meyer on Associate Professor Joel Pawlak’s statistics primer course.

Students in the Master of Forest Biomaterials online program usually retain their full-time jobs while enrolled in the program, so the knowledge they learn is immediately applicable to their current careers.

Upon completion of the program, these students are well equipped for career advancement complete with a higher salary.

Are you interested? Check out the program page for more information. Applications are currently being accepted for spring 2022 through Nov. 25.