John H. Larch III: Addressing Real-World Challenges with the Online Master of Environmental Assessment

Working on critical environmental issues that ensure safe water for North Carolinians is no small task, but for John H. Larch III, it’s all in a day’s work.
As an assistant regional engineer with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Public Water Supply Section, he plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of public water systems. But Larch understood that tackling complex challenges like environmental contamination and emerging pollutants would require a more advanced skill set.
He decided to pursue the online Master of Environmental Assessment degree from NC State to combine his professional experience and specialized knowledge, with the goal of better protecting the environment and public health.
“I wanted to gain additional technical skills related to environmental contamination, emerging contaminants and issues related to environmental site assessment,” he said.
Before enrolling in the master’s program, Larch completed the NC State Graduate Certificate in Environmental Assessment, which he credits as a key factor in securing his current role. After those initial first steps, he set his sights on the online master’s program and enrolled in 2019.
Advancing Expert Knowledge
The NC State online Master of Environmental Assessment is a cutting-edge degree designed to bridge the gap between scientific research and practical decision-making in environmental management.
This interdisciplinary program equips environmental professionals with advanced technical skills to assess risks, evaluate pollutants and develop solutions that protect both human health and the environment. The focus on practical, real-world applications drew Larch to the program, and the opportunity to tailor coursework to his interests made it even more appealing.
“I chose the program because of the reputation of NC State, the unique course content of the program and the convenient format of online learning,” he explained.
“The program broadened my understanding of environmental issues and developing research related to contaminants in our air, soil and water,” Larch shared. Courses like Water Quality Assessment and Environmental Applications of Soil Science provided him with specialized knowledge directly applicable to his work.
His capstone project focused on groundwater assessment and data analysis — topics that complemented his day-to-day professional work.
Finding Balance
As a full-time engineer, Larch understood that balancing work and study would require discipline. His approach was both straightforward and effective: consistency.
“I made it a habit to do a small amount of coursework or reading early each morning and set aside a bit of extra time each weekend to keep up with classes,” he said.
Time management proved crucial, but Larch’s genuine interest in the covered topics helped him stay motivated. “My interest in the material helped me to stay focused and engaged throughout the program,” he noted.
The program’s online format also made it manageable to integrate education into his busy life. Larch appreciated how NC State made online students feel connected to the broader campus community.
“The university does an excellent job of integrating online students into campus life. The programs are technically rigorous yet still manageable for a working professional,” he explained.
A Top-Notch Experience
Larch sees the program as vital to his career development and professional growth. The degree enhanced his technical expertise, particularly in areas directly relevant to his work.
“The program has helped keep my technical skills sharp and given me a better understanding of some of the work my agency has been doing as it relates to PFAS sampling,” Larch noted.
Faculty support was another standout feature of the program for Larch. He especially highlighted the encouragement and impact of Professor Elizabeth Nichols, Assistant Teaching Professor Tamara Pandolfo, and Lecturer Stephen Graham.
“During my time in the program, they were all incredibly supportive, both with academic issues and at times when outside demands impacted my classwork,” he shared.
For professionals considering an advanced degree, Larch offers this advice: “If you are inclined to pursue advanced education while continuing your career, I would highly recommend pursuing online education, especially through NC State,” he said. “The opportunity to continue your education is one that will pay many dividends down the road.”
“The opportunity to continue your education is one that will pay many dividends down the road.”
Looking back on his time at NC State and in the program, Larch is unequivocal in his praise. “My experience at NC State was top notch!” he said.
As he continues to tackle environmental challenges in his current role, the knowledge and skills he gained through the Master of Environmental Assessment program remain integral to his success now and in the future.
Ready to advance your career and expertise with the online Master of Environmental Assessment degree from NC State Online? Visit the program page or for a full list of available degree and certificate programs.
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