Master of Accounting Alum Shines

Jared Korver grew up in the small town of Carthage, North Carolina, where his interest in accounting began fairly early thanks to three older cousins and two uncles who were in the field.
By senior year in high school, Korver was set on accounting and attended Appalachian State University for his undergraduate studies.
With a desire to begin establishing himself and building his professional network, Korver began the NC State Jenkins Master of Accounting (MAC) program where he received the foundational knowledge and encouragement from instructors to prepare for his future.
“While passing the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam is incredibly important and preparation for that accomplishment should be a part of a Master of Accounting program, I felt that it wasn’t the only part,” he says. “Professors did a wonderful job of preparing us for the work of our profession, not merely the exam which serves as the gateway into it. And the preparation wasn’t merely technical — although that was paramount — it was also an exercise in building our abilities to relate to people well and to critically think through decisions where professional judgment is key.”
Korver credits his instructors and administrators with helping build a strong culture of communication within the program.
“The professors were all dialed in to the program as a primary focus rather than as a sideshow for them, and the administrators really built a clear arc throughout the year so it felt like we were progressing toward something each day and knew where we stood,” he adds.
All he learned in the Jenkins MAC program helped him transition smoothly into his career.
“I began working at Ernst & Young’s tax practice in Raleigh, first as an intern when I was an undergraduate at Appalachian State, and then back full time when I finished the MAC Program at NC State. I was there for two years and worked with the best people in the business before leaving in 2014 to join Beacon Wealthcare, where I am today,” he says.
In his current role, Korver is the main point of contact for all his clients’ important financial decisions. Since each person and their needs are different, Korver’s day to day always varies.
“Most of what I do stems from clients asking two questions: Will I be okay? And, What’s possible? Everything else — managing investment assets, advising on transactions, facilitating estate planning with attorneys, assisting CPAs with tax planning opportunities, managing risk — all of it stems from a financial planning process that seeks to answer those two questions.”
Throughout the pandemic, Korver has had to adjust to many economic challenges occurring in a short period of time.
“For example, pretty early on in the quarantine, I had several clients get laid off in the space of about 10 days, and these unfortunate circumstances drove home the point that a financial plan that’s just a stack of paper is not very helpful during times of turmoil. What’s needed is a flexible process that’s able to pivot and make the most of challenges and opportunities in real-time, and we were grateful to be able to provide that for our clients,” he says. “Another example would be just how quickly the stock market fell in March as we began to get a grasp on what we were dealing with. Market bottoms usually take place over months and years, and this one happened in hours and days.”
While these challenges have certainly been unprecedented, Korver credits the Jenkins MAC program and all of the people he encountered with setting him up for success.
“Cliches are sometimes cliches for good reasons, and I would say undoubtedly the people were the best part [of the program]. The professors I had, the staff running the program, and my fellow classmates and friends all made the year incredibly enriching for me in long-lasting ways.
And as an alum, it’s clear to me that the program continues to be in phenomenal hands. They aren’t resting on their laurels with what has made the program great historically, but are continually looking for ways to make the program an invaluable experience for graduates going forward.”
Visit the Master of Accounting program page for more information and to apply!
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