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Youth Family and Community Sciences

Miranda Parks

Dec 12, 2023

Online Grad Finds Her Passion at NC State

Miranda Parks recently graduated from the NC State Online Master of Youth, Family and Community Sciences degree program. Parks was able to find her passion through the program’s faculty and courses. Read about how the online program was a game changer for Parks! 

May 25, 2021

Tsharre Sanders: Keeping the Faith

Tsharre Sanders’ passion for making sure Christian LGBTQ youth maintain their faith stems from her own personal story. Upon graduating this spring, the CALS online graduate student will attend divinity school in Georgia. 

student with laptop computer and papers showing thumbs up and celebrating triumph at office

May 11, 2021

YFCS May Blog: Why the Learning Experience is More Important Than Grades

The Youth, Family, and Community Sciences graduate program publishes a monthly blog written by students, alumni and faculty sharing important topics and helpful resources related to the field of family science. 

Student works on laptop

Mar 10, 2021

YFCS March Blog: Tips for Writing a Personal Statement

In the March YFCS blog post, Graduate Certificate Coordinator Deidra Craig shares tips on how to write an insightful personal statement for the YFCS program that helps your application shine. 

Nov 30, 2020

Online Graduate Student Uses Her Degree to Guide Families and Build Connections

Jennifer Vazquez is a fall 2020 graduate with a dedication to helping families and building connections through her degree in Youth, Family, and Community Sciences. 

Kendra Dowen is pictured with four students. One student is holding a child.

Oct 22, 2020

October YFCS Blog: Mobilizing Your Social Capital To Benefit The Youth

The Youth, Family, and Community Sciences graduate program publishes a monthly blog written by students and alumni sharing important topics and helpful resources related to the field of family science. The October blog post, written by Kendra Dowen, highlights the importance of mentoring and using your own networks to help youth increase their own social capital. 

CommuniTEAM logo. communiTEAM written above three hands graphic with sun graphic above. Bottom words say good parents, great families.

Aug 24, 2020

YFCS August Blog: Police Engagement Among Individuals with Developmental Differences

Emily Ragland, an alum of the online Master of Youth, Family, and Community Sciences program and owner and founder of communiTEAM LLC, shares her perspective in the latest YFCS blog. 

Alice Chen standing on top of a hill overlooking a bridge and water.

May 28, 2020

Studying Abroad: My Experience as an NC State Online International Student

In the latest Youth, Family, and Community Sciences blog post, Alice Chen describes her experiences as an international student in the program. 

May 7, 2020

Graduate’s Strong Desire to Help Parents and Families Leads to Launching Her Own Business

Following her spring 2020 graduation, Emily Ragland will use her master’s degree in Youth, Family and Community Sciences (YCFS) to launch her own consulting business. First, she’s reflecting on her time as an online graduate student. 

Apr 29, 2020

Mission to Serve: Meghan Montemurro on Combating Homelessness

During these unprecedented times, NC State Online graduate student Meghan Montemurro has remained steadfast in her mission to help the homeless find safe housing.