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Browse Science and Research Careers

Science and Research

Careers | Science and Research

Browse Science and Research Careers

A Quality Control Chemist uses chemistry analysis to test samples of manufacturing or pharmaceutical products, to…

High: $72,164
Low: $62,334
Employment Trend
+ 0.0186% Annually
69.47% Bachelor's
15.39% Master's

A Research Analyst assists with a research program or project analysis. Works in a variety of fields within science or…

High: $96,688
Low: $61,425
Employment Trend
No Growth
57.18% Bachelor's
33.4% Master's

A Research and Development Chemist studies chemical compounds and uses research to support the development of products,…

High: $109,706
Low: $78,689
Employment Trend
+ 0.0186% Annually
63.52% Bachelor's
36.72% Master's

A Research and Development Manager is responsible for day-to-day management their organization's research and…

High: $184,280
Low: $97,451
Employment Trend
+ 0.018% Annually
64.83% Bachelor's
39.36% Master's

A Research Assistant assists with a research program or project. Works in a variety of fields within science or the…

High: $69,419
Low: $48,042
Employment Trend
No Growth
46.48% Bachelor's
19.28% Master's