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Browse Science and Research Careers

Science and Research

Careers | Science and Research

Browse Science and Research Careers

A Pharmacology Research Scientist performs scientific research with the aim of discovering new solutions or improving…

High: $190,392
Low: $95,654
Employment Trend
+ 0.0354% Annually
40.66% Bachelor's
37.83% Master's

A Physical or Geoscience Technician works with supervising geoscientists and geophysicists and uses specialized…

High: $61,423
Low: $45,320
Employment Trend
+ 0.0286% Annually
34.92% Bachelor's
14.78% Master's

A Physical Scientist studies and conducts research in one of many specialized areas within the natural sciences…

High: $129,464
Low: $100,310
Employment Trend
+ 0.0199% Annually
49.41% Bachelor's
21.93% Master's

A Physiologist studies cell, plant or animal life systems, including human anatomy, and studies the effects of outside…

High: $115,376
Low: $89,161
Employment Trend
+ 0.017% Annually
34.01% Bachelor's
29.77% Master's

A Polymer Chemist studies large complex molecules or polymers. May work to develop new products or chemical processes…

High: $123,794
Low: $82,968
Employment Trend
+ 0.0186% Annually
42.7% Bachelor's
42.32% Master's