Jan 26, 2023
Students conduct business at the Hunt Library.
Engineering students participate in a class in Fitts-Woolard Hall on Centennial Campus. Photo by Becky Kirkland.
Jan 21, 2023
Graduate students talk in the board room at the college of management.
Faculty and students work in the Textile Protection And Comfort Center (TPACC) on Centennial campus.
Aurora Toennisson, a Ph.D student studying plant and microbial biology, is working on a plant biology project funded by NASA through the NC Space Grant.
Graduate students and faculty work in the new Additive Manufacturing space in Fitts-Woolard Hall on Centennial Campus.
Students work at the CALS Agroecology farm off Lake Wheeler Road.
College of Education students talk with each other at the Friday Institute.
Campus police officers discuss a case.