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Browse Education and Training Careers

Education and Training

Careers | Education and Training

Browse Education and Training Careers

A History or Social Studies Teacher teaches in the social studies fields for elementary to secondary school students.…

High: $68,975
Low: $63,277
Employment Trend
+ 0.0037% Annually
47.16% Bachelor's
25.5% Master's

A Math Teacher teaches mathematics in elementary to secondary schools. Elementary school teachers focus on basic…

High: $69,555
Low: $62,861
Employment Trend
+ 0.0037% Annually
48.46% Bachelor's
22.38% Master's

A Physical Education Teacher works with elementary and secondary school students on physical education and athletic…

High: $69,211
Low: $62,563
Employment Trend
+ 0.0011% Annually
39.83% Bachelor's
13.66% Master's

A Preschool or Childcare Director manages and directs programs for very young children. Supervises child care workers…

High: $55,291
Low: $42,442
Employment Trend
+ 0.0003% Annually
37.16% Bachelor's
12.67% Master's