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Browse Law, Compliance, and Public Safety Careers

Law, Compliance, and Public Safety

Careers | Law, Compliance, and Public Safety

Browse Law, Compliance, and Public Safety Careers

A Food Safety Specialist inspects and monitors food safety. May conduct inspections in agriculture or food harvesting,…

High: $86,615
Low: $84,207
Employment Trend
+ 0.0362% Annually
48.97% Bachelor's
3.71% Master's

An Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Manager is responsible for managing a coordinated and systematic approach to…

High: $100,385
Low: $69,717
Employment Trend
+ 0.0299% Annually
41.54% Bachelor's
18.57% Master's

An Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Specialist completes workplace and equipment inspections and implements…

High: $64,980
Low: $39,524
Employment Trend
+ 0.0362% Annually
35.33% Bachelor's
11.14% Master's

A Police Chief or Sergeant directs operations and supervises the activities of a local police department or a unit or…

High: $103,916
Low: $70,900
Employment Trend
+ 0.0086% Annually
27.6% Bachelor's
10.86% Master's

A Safety Manager inspects work environments and procedures for health and safety concerns, and develops programs to…

High: $85,285
Low: $65,596
Employment Trend
+ 0.0299% Annually
51.5% Bachelor's
10.29% Master's