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Browse Law, Compliance, and Public Safety Careers

Law, Compliance, and Public Safety

Careers | Law, Compliance, and Public Safety

Browse Law, Compliance, and Public Safety Careers

A Safety Specialist works with safety specialists to inspect and test workplace environments and equipment and develop…

High: $65,651
Low: $45,675
Employment Trend
+ 0.0362% Annually
47.84% Bachelor's
7.29% Master's

A Security Manager manages physical security for sites and facilities, including hotels, banks, hospitals and other…

High: $142,247
Low: $73,082
Employment Trend
+ 0.0212% Annually
49.38% Bachelor's
10.47% Master's

A Security Supervisor manages overall security operations within a business. Reviews and organizes staffing levels of…

High: $57,549
Low: $46,563
Employment Trend
+ 0.0041% Annually
13.5% Bachelor's
2.14% Master's