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Browse Science and Research Careers

Science and Research

Careers | Science and Research

Browse Science and Research Careers

An Environmental Field Chemist samples, tests and assists with the clean up of hazardous materials at field sites.…

High: $78,488
Low: $66,606
Employment Trend
+ 0.0186% Annually
82.08% Bachelor's
16.64% Master's

An Environmental Planner or Scientist uses training and background in natural sciences to study the environment and…

High: $92,288
Low: $61,555
Employment Trend
+ 0.0143% Annually
69.57% Bachelor's
26.22% Master's

An Epidemiologist collects information and investigates diseases, infections or other health problems that appear in a…

High: $96,221
Low: $70,130
Employment Trend
+ 0.0244% Annually
49.46% Bachelor's
36.18% Master's

A Field Biologist studies plants and animals in their natural environments or studies plant and animal ecosystems.…

High: $82,983
Low: $70,041
Employment Trend
+ 0.017% Annually
73.15% Bachelor's
25.83% Master's

A Food and Agricultural Scientist or Technologist studies plants and animals used in food production. Researches…

High: $79,561
Low: $70,915
Employment Trend
+ 0.0205% Annually
32.08% Bachelor's
13.73% Master's