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Teaching, Training, and Educational Technology


Certificate students choose one of five specialty areas

All certificate students take EAC 692 –TTET Capstone project. The remaining four courses in each specialty area vary depending on the area selected.

Courses include:

Units: 3

Forms of instruction appropriate for the teaching of adults. Special emphasis upon methods for maximum involvement of the adult learner. Relevant concepts, theories and principles for selection, utilization and evaluation of instructional strategies with focus on integration of theory into practice. Development of student proficiency in use of applicable teaching techniques for adult and community college education through participation in classroom exercises.

Offered in Fall Only

Units: 3

The course focuses on exploring the issues and considerations in online teaching and introduce students to some of the tools involved in the process. Students will develop strategies for teaching online and for managing the online classroom.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Organization Change in Human Resource Development provides an introduction to the theory and practice of change within the context of adult education programs, other organizations, communities and societies. Graduate standing or PBS status required.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

An inquiry into the characteristics and background, learning processes, motivation and participation of adult learners in a variety of educational contexts. Emphasis on adult learning theories, models, principles and their application to educational design and delivery.

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

Units: 3

Introduces students to assessment and evaluation principles and practices from a range of perspectives. Covers uses and limitations of a broad range of assessment and evaluation approaches in adult education settings, with particular focus on college and university teaching.

Offered in Spring and Summer

Units: 3

Introduction to instructional design models including needs assessment, systematic training design and development techniques and proactive strategies for evaluating training programs. Instructional design issues of work-based training, learner characteristics and effects of technology on instructional design, implementation and evaluation processes. Graduate standing or PBS status required.

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

Units: 3

In-depth analysis of instructional systems design [ISD] theory and practice using professional competency models. Organizational training requirements, development of performance objectives and measures, design of instructional materials, and address of evaluation issues in training programs in business and industry. Research and development of instructional design projects relating to ISD process and model. Graduate standing or PBS status required.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Overview of occupational education practice in business and industrial settings. Presentation of roles common to training and development specialists, including managerial concerns related to organization, operation and financial training and development programs.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Current needs assessment and task analysis methods and techniques used in business and industrial settings. Development of comprehensive needs assessment plans for diagnosing and documenting human performance deficiencies/improvement opportunities through training programs in business settings. Graduate standing or PBS status required.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Appropriate technologies for design and delivery of effective training programs. Performance-based training models for distance and individualized learning through audio, video, computer-based, and multimedia technologies. Planning decisions for selecting/developing appropriate technologies to support specific training outcomes, adult learner characteristics, and organizational training resources. Graduate standing or PBS status required.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Methods and techniques common to model occupational education programs in business and industrial settings. Focus on design and evaluation of effective learning programs and instructional methodologies. Graduate standing or PBS status required.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3 - 6

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

Units: 1 - 3

A project or problem in research in education for graduate students, supervised by members of graduate faculty. Choice of research on basis of individual students' interests and not to be part of thesis or dissertation research.

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

Units: 3

Comprehensive community colleges and technical institutes and the state systems of which they are part: underlying concepts, design of educational needs to be serve, role in meeting these needs, historical development, issues in establishment and operation of state systems and individual institutions, unresolved issues and emerging trends.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Issues and concepts of leadership development and practice in two- and four-year colleges and universities; interpretation and communication of institutional values and understanding of organizational processes. Attention to role of organizational culture in management improvement and institutional performance in higher education institutions.

Offered in Summer

Units: 3

Principles and processes in programming, including basic theories and support of concepts in programming process. Attention to general programming framework, organizational needs and program roles of both professional and lay leaders.

Offered in Summer

Units: 3

Constitutional, statutory and case law in relationship to higher education. Emphasis on faculty, student and staff rights and tort liability.

Offered in Spring Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Years