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Fifteen credit hours (five courses) are required, including two required core courses and three elective courses, as follows:

Required core courses

Units: 3

Insights into the management skills of a successful agribusiness firm manager. A topical approach to analytical and planning techniques applicable to business decisions. Managerial concepts such as financial analysis, budgeting, investment analysis, capital acquisition, financial and risk management of agribusiness firms.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Introduction to economic principles of marginal benefits and costs with application to consumer and producer decisions. Functions of market exchange systems in determining prices and quantities and creation of wealth. Property rights and opportunities for exchange. Role of government in dealing with agricultural and resource problems. Macroeconomic analysis including inflation, unemployment, money and banking system. Credit will not be given for both ARE 201 and either EC 201 or EC 205.

GEP: Social Sciences

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

Three of the following elective courses

Units: 3

The application of legal principles to agribusiness. Includes a review of our legal system contracts, real property, personal property torts, business organization, estate planning, and laws affecting agribusiness.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Marketing concepts, techniques and management of the U.S. marketing system from agricultural production, agribusiness, and traditional business perspectives. Broad, basic knowledge of marketing objectives, the marketing environment, strategic planning, marketing information sources, consumer demographics and lifestyle characteristics, product planning, distribution planning, promotion planning, and price planning.

Offered in Fall Only

Units: 3

Introduction to basic accounting principles and concepts applicable to an agribusiness firm. Exposure to journals, ledgers and financial statements. Topics of the accounting cycle, inventories, payrolls, accounts receivable, income taxes and the potential use of computers.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Personnel problems of recruiting, selecting, training, paying, and motivating employees of an agribusiness firm. Improving organizational effectiveness, functioning of a production supervisor, resolution of conflicts and leadership development.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

History of agricultural and environmental policy, policy formation, agricultural programs, effects of agricultural production on the environment, benefits and costs of agricultural and environmental policy, state of the environment, environmental regulations and their enforcement, optimal level of pollution, incentive-based environmental regulation, outlook for agricultural and environmental policy, and the sustainability of agriculture and of the environment.

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

NOTE: Transferability of any 100-level ARE course is determined by the university, college, or department to which the credits are submitted for transfer, not by the Department of Agricultural Resource Economics, the Agricultural Institute, or NC State University. Students should learn prior to applying if a course from this program will transfer to another program.