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Browse Science and Research Careers

Science and Research

Careers | Science and Research

Browse Science and Research Careers

A Computational Biologist uses biological data to develop models to better understand biological systems. Conducts…

High: $146,883
Low: $96,306
Employment Trend
+ 0.017% Annually
24.55% Bachelor's
35.52% Master's

A Computational Chemist studies and solves problems in chemistry using computer programs and modelling. May use…

High: $182,771
Low: $109,482
Employment Trend
+ 0.0186% Annually
19.3% Bachelor's
33.33% Master's

A Director of Institutional Research oversees institutional research and studies for a college or university. Designs…

High: $154,695
Low: $116,398
Employment Trend
+ 0.0098% Annually
40% Bachelor's
83.78% Master's

A Drug Safety Scientist is responsible for managing adverse effects and interactions of drugs, increasing drug safety…

High: $147,390
Low: $122,311
Employment Trend
+ 0.0354% Annually
55.43% Bachelor's
63.04% Master's

An Embryologist studies the human reproductive process and provides tests and treatment options for patients dealing…

High: $105,069
Low: $83,859
Employment Trend
+ 0.017% Annually
83.65% Bachelor's
26.42% Master's