Fifteen credit hours (five courses) are required. Specific courses will depend on the student’s professional goals and academic background. All certificate students are assigned an advisor who will work with them to select courses. The following Agricultural and Extension Education courses are offered online:
AEHS 501 - Foundations Of Agricultural and Extension Education
Units: 3
Development and organization of agricultural and extension education in America from colonial times to the present. Emphasis on role of societal and scientific changes, the federal government and philosophy on evolution of agricultural and extension education.
Offered in Fall Only
AEE 503 - Youth Program Management
Units: 3
Research, theory and principles of youth organization management. Analysis of youth development models and application of leadership theory in a youth organization. Using evaluation models to assess the effectiveness of major youth organization. Web-based course.
Offered in Spring Only
AEHS 521 - Program Planning in Agricultural Extension and Human Sciences
Units: 3
The intent of this course is to prepare students to be effective educators in non-formal settings such as Extension education. Students will learn theoretical concepts and their application for planning an effective educational program to meet the learning needs of target audiences. Students will gain knowledge and skills in conducting needs assessments and environmental scanning; writing objectives; and designing, marketing, and delivering educational programs. This course is appropriate for students preparing for Extension education professions.
Offered in Fall Only
AEHS 522 - Occupational Experience in Agriculture
Units: 3
A major and critical element in all programs of vocational education is provision for appropriate student learning experiences in a real and simulated employment environment. Due to recent developments in education and agriculture, new and expanded concepts of occupational experience devised. Current research substantiates need and desire of teachers of agriculture for assistance in implementing new concepts. Also designed to develop depth of understanding of theoretical foundations underlying new developments in occupational experiences to stimulate individual growth and creativity in implementing further developments.
Offered in Fall Only
AEE 523 - Adult Education in Agriculture
Units: 3
Designed to meet needs of leaders in adult education. Opportunity to study issues in working with adult groups. Attention given to the problem of fitting educational program for adults into public school and other educational programs and to methods of teaching adults.
Offered in Spring Only
AEE 524 - Coordinating the High School Agricultural Education Program
Units: 3
Principles of program planning applied to educational programs about agriculture; theory and field experiences in planning, organizing, and evaluating secondary agricultural education programs; development of plans for conducting all aspects of the complete agricultural education programs.
Offered in Spring Only
AEHS 529 - Curriculum Development in Agricultural and Extension Education
Units: 3
Design and development of data based curriculum and curriculum evaluation procedures in agricultural and extension education. Critique of curriculum development models, contemporary trends and issues, curriculum resources and accountability tools.Analysis of the use of national and state standards as well as local community needs in curriculum development.
Offered in Spring Only
AEE 535 - Teaching Agriculture in Secondary Schools
Units: 3
Application of theoretical models and research on effective teaching in secondary agricultural education programs. teaching strategies, planning required, and instructional management for students with varying backgrounds. Evaluation of student learning and teacher evaluation of instruction.
Offered in Fall Only
YEAR: Offered Alternate Odd Years
AEHS 570 - Methods of Change in Agricultural and Human Sciences
Units: 3
Processes by which professional change agents in agricultural and extension education influence the introduction, adoption, and diffusion of planned change. This course requires admission to any program of the NC State University Graduate School such as full graduate status, graduate unclassified status, post-baccalaureate studies, evening degree programs, etc. It has no other prerequisites, requisites, or restrictions.
Offered in Spring Only
AEHS 578 - Scientific Inquiry in Agricultural and Extension Education
Units: 3
Philosophy, design, interpretation and practice of scientific research in agricultural and extension education, with a particular focus on the skills necessary to be an effective and critical "consumer" of research that is practiced within the field. Web based course.
Offered in Fall Spring Summer
AEHS 590 - Special Topics Family Life and Youth Development
Units: 1 - 6
Special Topics Family Life and Youth Development
Offered in Fall Spring Summer
AEHS 620 - Special Problems in Agricultural and Extension Education
Units: 1 - 6
Exploration of topics of special interest not covered by existing courses by individual students under faculty member's directions. Readings and independent study, problems or research not related to a thesis.
Offered in Fall Spring Summer
AEHS 641 - Practicum In Agricultural and Extension Education
Units: 1 - 6
Faculty-supervised practicum in an educational, extension or agricultural industry setting.
Offered in Spring Only
TYPE: Internship Course
AEHS 700 - Foundations of Agricultural and Human Sciences
Units: 3
In Foundations of Agricultural and Human Sciences, students will explore the intersection of Agricultural and Human Sciences and answer two questions: how does family impact agriculture and how does agriculture impact family. Students will explore the history of the Land Grant system and learn about the three pillars: Extension, Research, and Teaching. Students will explore the importance of translational research and getting science into the hands of individuals within communities. Students will learn the functions of family systems and explore the human impacts on agriculture as well as environmental influences on youth and families. Finally, students will explore ways of meeting the grand challenges of agricultural and human sciences.
Offered in Fall Only
AEHS 705 - International Agricultural Development
Units: 3
This course provides an opportunity to learn about global agricultural and extension education issues, challenges and opportunities relating to agricultural development. The course emphasis is on building necessary knowledge and skills for analyzing global agricultural and extension education issues and formulating alternatives for agricultural development. This course has been designed to help graduate students understand agriculture and extension education with a global perspective.
Offered in Fall Only
AEHS 735 - Effective Teaching in Agriculture and Life Sciences
Units: 3
Theory and practice of effective teaching in agricultural and life sciences. Emphasis on course planning, teaching and learning styles, instructional techniques, laboratory instruction, text construction, student evaluation, instructional technology, and faculty roles and responsibilities.
Offered in Fall Only