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How to Apply

Admissions Requirements

Admissions to the EA program is based on an applicant’s undergraduate and post-graduate educational background and professional experience. At a minimum, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Completion of an undergraduate degree and an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher. We accept students from a variety of undergraduate degrees, if you are unsure if yours qualifies, please contact us.
  • Scientific background in the areas of:
    • Chemistry
    • Biology/ecology
    • Environmental science/technology/engineering

Generally undergraduate courses or 1 to 2 years of working in the environmental field are sufficient. For applicants concerned about not having 1 or more of these skills in place at the time of admission, the program may recommend one or more courses to be completed during the first semester of enrollment (or students may consider taking courses as a non-degree student prior to admissions to gain these skills). Please address these skills in your personal statement.

Professional experience is not required, but many of our students have professional experience in the environmental field outside the classroom. This can be highlighted in your resume/CV and personal statement uploaded as part of your application.

A full application consists of:

  1. Graduate School Application
  2. Official transcripts from colleges and universities attended
  3. A resume/CV
  4. Personal Statement
  5. Three Letters of Recommendation

No GRE is required.

All applicants should have a minimum 3.0 grade point average.

Final admission to the degree is granted by the Graduate School upon recommendation of the Environmental Assessment Director of Graduate Programs. Students may start the program in either fall or spring semesters.

Students must be continuously registered (at least one credit hour each spring and fall semester), or apply for an official leave of absence. Students have a maximum of six (6) years from enrollment in their first graduate course to complete their degree. Full-time students may complete the degree in two (2) years.

The following guidelines apply to all credit hours applied to completion of the master’s degree:

  • At least 18 credit hours must be graduate credits earned at NC State University while the student is enrolled in the graduate program.
  • A graduate course that was completed while the student was enrolled as a PBS-status student at NC State University may be considered for transfer to a Master’s program, provided that it is at the 500 level or higher and that the grade earned is a “B” (3.00 on a 4.00 scale) or better. A maximum of 12 credit hours taken while in PBS status may be transferred into a Master’s degree program.
  • Students may transfer credits in from other institutions, with restrictions. For more information, consult the Graduate School Handbook.


Students must be continuously registered (at least one credit spring and fall semesters, or be on an official leave of absence). Students have a maximum of 6 years from enrollment in the first graduate course to complete the degree. Full time students may complete the degree in 2 years.

At least 18 credit hours must be graduate credits earned at NC State University while the student is enrolled in the graduate program.

A graduate course that was completed while the student was enrolled in PBS status at NC State University may be considered for transfer to a Master’s program provided that it is at the 500 level or higher and that the grade is “B” (3.00 on a 4.00 scale) or better. A maximum of 12 credit hours taken while in PBS status may be transferred into a Master’s degree program.

Students may transfer in credits from other institutions (with restrictions).  For more information, consult the Graduate School Handbook.

How to Apply to the Master of Environmental Assessment Program

Step 1: Apply to the Online Master of Environmental Assessment Degree Program

The Graduate School oversees the application process for each program. The Graduate School has its own criteria for admission in addition to the specific admissions requirements for the Master of Environmental Assessment Degree Program.

To complete and submit your application, visit the online application page (opens in new tab) on the Graduate School website. Please note there is an application fee of $75-$85. You may check the status (opens in new tab) of your application at any time. Applicants should be prepared to submit the following along with their application:

  • A personal statement
  • A resume identifying educational preparation and work experiences
  • Email addresses for 3 people to provide recommendations
  • Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate coursework

International students must include complete transcripts, a degree statement, and TOEFL or IELTS scores. All applicants should have a minimum 3.0 grade point average.

Admissions to the Master of Environmental Assessment degree program is based on:

  • Your undergraduate and post-graduate educational background
  • Your professional experience
  • The availability and interest of faculty advisors

Final admission to the degree is granted by the Graduate School upon recommendation of the Environmental Assessment Director of Graduate Programs. Students can start the program in either fall or spring semesters.

Apply now (opens in new window).

Step 2: Register for Classes

We must release your advising hold before you can register for classes. New students should contact Sarah Slover if they have an advising hold. After their first semester, students should contact their advisor. All students will use MyPack Portal to enroll for classes. MyPack portal is also a self-service system for students to update personal or academic information as well as a way to review semester schedules.

Enrollment is controlled by a specific enrollment date and time. You cannot enroll before your enrollment date is assigned. Access will be denied if you try to enroll earlier than the date indicated. You may enroll anytime after your enrollment window opens. Students with past due debts or any “Holds” must be cleared by the Cashier’s Office to enroll. If you enroll late, you may need to calculate and pay your tuition and fees before you can enroll in classes.

Access to MyPack Portal requires a valid Unity/EOS ID and password. Directions for obtaining your Unity ID can be found online.

To register for your classes:

  • Log into MyPack Portal with your Unity ID and password.
  • Select your Student Homepage.
  • Select the "Planning & Enrollment" tile.
  • From the left-hand navigation menu, select "Enrollment Wizard."
  • You may now proceed to add and drop courses by their class subject, number, and section.

Visit the Master of Environmental Assessment Courses page to see course requirements and peruse course descriptions. Should you have any questions or need assistance with determining your course workload, please contact your advisor.

Step 3: Pay Your Tuition

All inquiries regarding payments and cost of tuition should be directed to the Cashier’s Office. You are responsible for full payment of tuition, fees and all other debts to the university and for clearing all “Holds” by the due date on your bill. Please note that your tuition bill must be paid by its due date in order to hold your seat in any classes for which you have registered. Failure to pay tuition, fees, and all other debts to the university and to clear all “Holds” may result in your schedule being cancelled.

Students may pay their tuition online via ePay, or choose one of our other payment options.

Financial aid eligibility is determined by the Financial Aid Office. We encourage you to contact your financial aid advisor in the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. A limited amount of grant funding is also available to students enrolled in Online and Distance Education degrees. Criteria for funding is based on academic merit, demonstrated financial need, and enrollment in multiple Online and Distance Education courses per semester. For additional information, please visit NC State’s Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid website, or call 919.515.2421. NC State also offers a monthly payment plan.

To view current rates for tuition and fees, visit NC State’s Graduate Online and Distance Education Tuition Rates page.

Step 4: Transfer Credits

In order to be accepted, all transfer credits must have been taken no more than six (6) years prior to the completion of your Environmental Assessment degree.

If you took graduate credits at NC State University before you started the program, you should be able to add them to your Plan of Work from the Graduate Non-degree Transcript.

If you would like to apply graduate credits earned at a different institution to your Environmental Assessment degree, you must send a completed Transfer Credit Form to Sarah Slover. Official copies of transcripts from all universities you have attended must be provided; if NC State University already has an official copy of your transcript(s), just a copy (does not have to be official) will do.


Not ready to enroll yet? You can still take classes! Classes taken independent of a certificate or degree program may be used to satisfy continuing education requirements or, if approved, be applied toward a certificate or degree program in the future. Learn how to enroll in individual classes as a Non-Degree Studies (NDS) student.

Apply Now 

Application Deadlines

Entry Semester Application Deadlines and Details
Fall April 15
Spring September 30