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All Microbiology Online courses provide college-level credit documented by an official transcript from North Carolina State University, a fully accredited institution. These Microbiology Online courses are also taken by on-campus students at NC State as part of their degree programs.

Microbiology Online courses can be taken individually, or as part of a program for students who are not already matriculated at NC State.

The Microbiology Certificate requires 12 undergraduate credit hours, as follows:

Required Courses - 9 Credits Required

Units: 3

Rigorous introduction to basic principles of microbiology for students in biological and agricultural sciences and for all students planning to take further courses in microbiology.

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

Units: 3

Comprehensive study of microbial pathogenesis and mammalian host resistance. Diagnosis, prevention, and therapy of common human diseases of microbial origin.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Molecular, biochemical, and evolutionary diversity of the microbial world, including Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes. Evolutionary perspective on microbial relationships, molecular methods of study and classical and modern biotechnological methods utilizing this genetic diversity to explore the microbial world and use the resulting insight to meet the needs of our own species.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Elective Course - 3 credits required

Units: 3

An integrated and in-depth study of select microbial pathogens and their influence on history, public health, and human affairs. Five major pathogens will be examined to identify causative agents of disease, modes of transmission, prevention, and treatment. These pathogens will be framed in the power of plagues to shape human history and their impact on public health.

GEP: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

GEP: Natural Sciences

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

Units: 1

Laboratory experience in general microbiology. Aseptic technique, isolation and identification of bacteria, staining and microscopy. Enumeration of bacteria and viruses. Students who have completed either MB [BEC] 320 or MB 354 may not take this course for credit.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Introduction to principles of molecular immunology. Overview of immune system development and function, and discussions of ongoing scientific research regarding immune regulation.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Human behavior plays a big part in the emergence and reemergence of infectious diseases. Humanity encroaches consistently into previously uninhabited parts of the planet increasing the risk of exposure to novel pathogens that have the potential to jump into the human host or livestock. In addition to exposure to new diseases the complexities of politics and global relations often create opportunities for the re-emergence of infections that were once thought to be under control. This course aims to provide students interested in the health sciences with a foundation to understand the principles governing emergence of diseases.

Offered in Spring Only

Units: 1 - 6

A learning experience in agriculture and life sciences within an academic framework that utilizes campus facilities and resources. Contact and arrangements with prospective employers must be initiated by student and approved by a faculty adviser, the prospective employer, the departmental teaching coordinator and the academic dean prior to the experience.

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

Another option for the Elective Course requirement is MB 4XX (any 400-level microbiology course), with prior program approval.

Prerequisites are required for some courses.

At least 9 credits counted toward the certificate must be taken at NC State University. A grade of C- or better ("S" is allowed only in MB 493) is required in all required and elective courses.

An overall 2.0 or greater GPA in coursework taken to complete the certificate is required.

Choose the Right Course for You

Just curious about microbiology?

Take an introductory course to find out what it’s all about. Choose from the following:

  • MB 200 for a general education in Microbiology.
  • MB 351 for students with a college-level science background who want a more rigorous introduction to the discipline.

Need a specific microbiology course for your career path? 

Take a specialized microbiology course, or two, to meet your requirements. Choose from the following:

  • MB 351 meets most requirements for a general microbiology course.
  • MB 411 may meet specific requirements for a medical microbiology or immunology course.
  • MB 441 may meet specific requirements for an immunology course.
  • MB 451 may meet specific requirements for an advanced microbiology course.
  • MB 461 may meet specific requirements for a virology course.

Laboratories are also offered at NC State for MB 351, MB 411, and MB 451, but they cannot be taken online.

Looking for a microbiology credential? 

Complete four microbiology courses to receive the Microbiology Undergraduate Certificate. Take the following three courses:

  • MB 351
  • MB 411
  • MB 451
  • Plus 3 credit hours of elective courses, which may include MB 200 (if taken before MB 351), MB 441MB 461, or MB 493, or other 400-level Microbiology courses not yet offered online