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Core Courses

Units: 3

Methods and materials for teaching students with disabilities in elementary and secondary school. Focus on research-supported instructional strategies for teaching academic skills, Universal Design for Learning, implementation of appropriate academic interventions, and evaluation of instructional outcomes within the context of Response to Intervention and Multi-Tier Systems of Supports.

Offered in Spring Only

Units: 3

Concepts and procedures involved in design and implementation of techniques for managing the behavior of students in classroom setting. Focus on methods for defining, measuring, increasing, decreasing, maintaining, and generalizing classroom behaviors in all learners. An exploration of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and Positive Behavior Intervention and Support in school settings.

Offered in Fall Only

Units: 3

Introduction to field of special education. Focus on historical overview, definitions and terminology in basic areas of exceptionality; etiological factors in exceptionality; developmental and learning characteristics of each area of exceptionality;and educational settings and strategies employed in special education including Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and Positive Behavior Intervention and Support. Review of current educational laws and policies affecting special education.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Elective Courses  (select one)

Units: 3

Methods of instruction and materials related to teaching children and persons with mild-moderate levels of disability are emphasized. Effective general pedagogical approaches are stressed, as well as the teaching of functional academic skills, curricula used in instructions, teaching social and adaptive behavior as well as daily living skills, and transition-related skills necessary for independent adult life. Multi-tiered Systems of Support as well as Positive Behavior Intervention and Support are also discussed.

Offered in Spring Only

Units: 3

This course is designed to provide instruction in how to understand and implement culturally-responsive curriculum materials, instructional strategies, and techniques to PK-12 students who demonstrate interfering behaviors in the classroom. Content includes Tier 2 and Tier 3 small group and individualized instruction, group process, organization and evaluation of classroom programs, parent involvement, and community resources within a Positive Behavior Inventions and Supports framework.

Offered in Spring Only

TYPE: Internship Course