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Units: 3

Examines school organization theories and critical domains of leadership [e.g., school vision, culture, management, collaboration, ethics, and environments]. Develops conceptual, managerial and interpersonal leadership skills through analysis of school goals and purpose; organizational design, development and improvement; curricular and instructional leadership; and school-community relationships. Instructional activities will include lecture, seminar discussion, case and problem-based analysis. Graduate standing required.

Offered in Fall Only

Units: 3

Basic concepts and methods of educational inquiry. Emphasis on logic underlying various approaches to problem definition and solution and on tools of investigator, as well as on sources and interpretation of research information related to student'sparticular area of study.

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

Units: 3

Prepares administrators to strategically plan, manage and evaluate core programs and systems for the safe and efficient operation of schools. Operational domains examined will include information systems, management systems, curriculum, instruction, student behavior and school security systems. Instructional activities include lecture, sminar discussions, case, situation and problem-based analysis.

Offered in Fall Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Odd Years

Units: 3

Relationship of constitutional, statutory and case law to elementary and secondary public school settings, particularly in areas of students, teachers and liability. Particular emphasis on N.C. and federal law.

Offered in Spring Only

Units: 3

Issues, models, theories, research and applications in the evolving field of educational personnel and human resources administration with emphais on recruitment, selection, and development.

Offered in Summer

Units: 3

Theories and practices of funding K-12 education including examination of: political frameworks and policy issues; concepts central to education finance and budgeting; purposes, designs, and uses of school budgets; procedures for generating, analyzing and interpreting issues related to education finance and school budgeting. Construct, manage and analyze school and district-level budgets; address issues of economic efficiency, equity and fiscal adequacy and their fiscal impact on the school community. Understand North Carolina's Uniform Chart of Accounts accounting structure for school budgeting.

Offered in Spring Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Even Years

Units: 3

Overview of role of education within a culturally diverse society. Major attention to racial, socioeconomic and regional subpopulations. Issues discussed include subcultural influences on public school performances, equality of educational opportunity, social stratification and mobility, and the impact of schooling on intergroup relations.

Offered in Fall Only

Units: 3

Application of moral theories and methods of moral reasoning to problems and issues involving educational policy and decision making. Character of morality; moral autonomy and leadership; intellectual freedom and public interest; authority and education; punishment and due process; and leadership and rationality.

Offered in Spring Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Years

Units: 1 - 9

Utilization of participant-observer role and required participation in selected educational situations with emphasis upon development of observational skills, ability to record relevant observations by means of written journals, skills in analyzing experiences identifying critical incidents and projection of events and consequences. Required development of possible alternative courses of action in various situations, selection of one of alternatives and evaluation of consequences of selected course of action.

Offered in Fall and Spring

TYPE: Internship Course